Your Exclusive and Best Award-Winning Movies Review

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Your Exclusive and Best Award-Winning Movies Review

Post by Kris P. Bacon Fri Jun 14, 2024 4:32 pm

Your awesome award-winning and critically acclaimed best US movies review exclusive to the John V Asia Teacher blog from our renowned movie critic, Kris P. bacon.

From epic dramas to thought-provoking thrillers, these award-winning movies have left an indelible mark on the world of cinema. For instance, 'BS Godfather' staring Bernie Sanders (2016) won the Academy Award for documentary adventure and best director. Whilst 'The Haunted Liberal White House' (2008) with Barry Soetoro playing the leading role as President Obama took home the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival cementing its status as a horror classic. In the realm of period drama, 'Gone with Trumps Wind' (2016) won two Hollywood Oscars for Donald Trump’s brilliant performance as best actor. These Kris P. Bacon best US movies have not only won numerous accolades, but have also left a lasting impact on US politics.

Were Bernie’s initials a simple mistake, or a Nostradamus type warning from his parents to a future generation? BS Godfather is a gripping adventure movie based on a true story with superb acting by Bernie Sanders as the Godfather of progressive politics.

BS Godfather

(2024) - IMDb Genre: Adventure ★★★★★
Always different, always original, always entertaining

DVD cover of BS Godfather

BS Godfather set to break box office records in US

The plot revolves around a budding capitalist endowed with the unfortunate initials of BS. At the age of 40, Bernie abandons a succession of minimum wage employment and using his entrepreneurial skills formulates a plan to become a liberal politician and convince everyone else they should work to support him.

Assuming the title of 'The gift that keeps on giving', Bernie takes on the role of a downtrodden tax-payer and tells the electorate they can work for his government if elected. The dastardly plan is thwarted in 2016 as his wealthy Democrat comrades conspire against him becoming a president in case he might be serious about taxing the rich and oppose his suggestion that the Democrat Party be renamed, 'The Bernie People’s Revolutionary Collective.'

Laugh as the Occupy Movement discover they’ve been voting for the same millionaire capitalists they’ve been protesting about and sympathize with white BLM activists as they discover "Kill Whitey" includes themselves.

BS Godfather movie stills

BS Godfather stills L to R »
[1] 1963 and a young distraught Bernie is helped away after failing the police entrance examination.
[2] Bernie explains why being a millionaire and owning two houses is being only a little bit capitalist.
[3] Actor Bernie admits to playing the part of Doc Brown in 'Back to the Future.'  

Contains the now classical one liner’s, "Muslim terrorists cause global warming" and "Food queues are good for the people."


BS Godfather scenes L to R »
[1] Bernie loses the 2016 DNC presidential nominee fight to Hillary Clinton.
[2] Geriatric Joe Biden tells Bernie he wants to become famous as the first president to die of old age whilst in office.
[3] Bernie declares himself the patron saint of free stuff vowing not to rest until everything is free again in the land of the free.

From the Warner Bros. Studio, a "Feel the Bern" production.

Readers Comments

- "I loved the part where my Bernie puts his head in a bucket of cold water and breathed deeply to prove capitalism doesn’t work." -- Jane O’Meara Sanders.
- "My comrades and I were very sad when Bernie tried to collectivize America, but was prevented by the DNC." -- Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela.

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A gripping movie of liberal horror starring Barack Obama with Donald Trump playing the role of exorcist ridding the White House of paranormal activity.

The Haunted Liberal White House

2008 - IMDb Genre: Horror ★★★★★
Always different, always original, always entertaining


Outstanding award-winning horror movie of the Obama years

The plot revolves around a homeless black homosexual named Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama) who finds a White House in Washington DC and moves in as a squatter with his partner, transvestite 'Michelle' played by Michael Robinson.

The squatters summon the Devil using the Ouija board and the Devil appears granting Barack one desire in return for putting tens of millions on welfare. Barack’s wish is to become a two term presidential liberal Messiah and his wish is granted.

The scary twist to the story is that Obama himself is the Devil and enters America through the ballot box as the black plague and devastates America. In 2016, a future president Donald Trump arrives in the guise of an exorcist to quell the paranormal activity and finding its inhabitants speaking in strange liberal tongues rids the White House of its demonic possession.


The Haunted Liberal White House exorcism L to R »
[1] President Obama threatens the US with a BLM plague.
[2] Hillary rages as Trump invokes the name, MAGA.
[3] Nancy Pelosi goes into convulsions at the mention of tax cuts.
[4] Joe Biden tells Trump he will return in 2020 to get his revenge.

The Haunted Liberal White House stills L to R »
[1] Obama tries to strangle the new owner after hearing the White House is to be repossessed.
[2] Tempted for 40 days and nights, a Californian liberal finds a piece of bread in the wastelands of California and told he can keep it if he votes for Obama.
[3] As Donald Trump arrives, the Devil flees the White House.

The Haunted Liberal White House scenes L to R »
[1] The squatters summon the Devil.
[2] The Obama’s curse America after discovering their premiums have doubled under the Affordable Care Act.
[3] The Devil tells the 2008 DNC he’s a Messiah come to heal America.

The Haunted Liberal White House editors Cuts L to R »
[1] Barack Obama chairs a meeting of the radical African National Congress in the White House.
[2] Nancy Pelosi is diagnosed with acute liberal psychosis and takes a break from politics.
[3] President Obama prays he will triple his personal wealth whilst in office.

A superb performance by Kenyan actor Barry Soetoro in the role of Barrack Obama and an Academy Award for Michael Robinson (Michelle) as best male actor playing the part of 'First Lady.'

A Paramount Pictures "KFC chicken bucket" production.

Readers Comments

- "The Devil leading the government dependent into California and trying to make them renounce work and vote for Obama was so true to life" -- Nancy Pelosi.
- "The best movie I’ve ever seen, but I can’t remember what it was about" -- Joe Biden.

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Gone with Trumps Wind is based on the true story of the US 2016 electoral War of Independence, in which Chinese President Xi Jinping described Hillary as: "About as American as a Chinese pot of noodles."

Gone with Trumps Wind

(2016) - IMDb Genre: Drama ★★★★★
Always different, always original, always entertaining

Poster of Gone with Trumps Wind movie

Mr Trump wins the 2016 electoral War of Independence

An award winning period drama movie in which Trump eats three large Afghan goat curries; breaks wind on election night and Hillary is never heard of again. Was it a coincidence, were the CIA involved or did Trump’s turbine like flatulence carry magical healing powers? What became of Hillary? Some say, "At this point, what difference does it make?" Others believe Hillary deleted herself along with her emails and yet others that she is forever destined to prowl the Internet screaming, "It’s the Russians!"

Campaigning under the slogan 'Refuge from Reality', Hillary initially receives approval ratings of 94% on Face Book, yet her popularity declines after proposing to appoint her whole family to the Supreme Court and suggesting tax cuts for those with a net worth over $5 million.

Eventually, building up to an exciting climax as illegal foreign immigrants accuse Americans of being un-American and Nancy Pelosi rips up her social security number to identify with undocumented Mexicans and is deported herself. Gone with Trump’s Wind offers irreversible proof that Trump was involved in the 2016 elections.

Gone with Trumps Wind scenes L to R »
[1] Hillary informs President Obama that she’s going to be the next president.
[2] Liberal 'Biker’s for Hillary' converge on Washington DC.
[3] Hillary concedes defeat in the 2016 election.

Gone with Trumps Wind stills L to R »
[1] After eating three Afghan goat curry burgers, President Trump breaks wind with all the power of a small weapon of mass destruction.
[2] Hillary coughs and after falling over is overcome by what she later likened as "… being on the end of a Russian nerve agent gas attack."
[3] Hillary insists on a UN resolution that weapons inspectors check Trump’s underwear for traces of biological chemicals.

Gone with Trumps Wind editor’s cuts L to R »
[1] An angry President Trump threatens to re-introduce the Salem witch trials if Hillary doesn’t stop laughing at him.
[2] President Trump awards himself the Medal of Honor for being the smartest man in America.
[3] Mr Trump breaks bread with his disciples before his trial.

A star studied cast including Paula White, President Trump’s spiritual advisor playing the part of the mad woman kept locked in the attic of the White House and an Oscar Award to Donald Trump as Son of God and most intelligent man on the planet. Actress Hillary also produced rave reviews for refusing a stunt person to portray her stumbling down steps and falling over. Hillary said, "I didn’t like playing the part where Trump head butted me and beat me with a garden shovel, but I wanted it to look as true to life as possible."

A Walt Disney Studios "If I don’t get elected it will disrupt the equilibrium of the Universe" production.

Readers Comments

"I’m a bigly yuge fan of Kris P. Bacon’s movie reviews" -- Anonymous.
"Best movie I’ve seen, proof that angels and the Son of God really do walk the streets of America" -- Q Anon.

Satirical Squirrel

Kris P. Bacon

Posts : 5
Join date : 2024-04-08

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