Genuine Barack Obama Last Supper Painting Discovered

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Genuine Barack Obama Last Supper Painting Discovered

Post by Kris P. Bacon Tue Apr 16, 2024 8:35 pm

Reading time 3 minutes

Excitement grips America as the previously lost artwork featuring Barack Obama sharing his last supper of a KFC bucket with his Democrat disciples is found.

Lost Last Supper Painting Found in White House Basement

Barracks lost painting on display in Washington DC

The lost Obama Last Supper painting has been found in the White House basement by a janitor. A Democrat White House aide commented, "the lost artwork discovery is  an amazing find. We’ve not seen excitement like this since Haile Selassie declared himself Emperor of Ethiopia after smoking Jamaican tomato plant leaves back in 1930."

The janitor who discovered the painting told reporters, "Gosh and dang, I knowed it was val-u-able soon as I sees it."

Barack Hussein Obama (formerly Barry Soetoro) was widely believed to be a returning Messiah among liberals. His signature cry of "Change we can believe in" electrified an optimistically liberal America who responded with quasi-religious devotion as one by replying, "Yes we can."  

"We thought that he was going to be - I shouldn't say this at Christmas time - but the next messiah" -  Barbara Walters.

"First of all (give) honor to god, and our lord and savior Barack Obama" - Jamie Foxx.

"We just like to say his name. We are considering taking it as a mantra" - June 9, 2008, Chicago Sun-Times.

The painting depicts Barack’s last supper in which after ordering in some KFC buckets Barack addressed his disciples thus: "The one who hath taken a chicken nugget from me when I wasn’t looking will betray me." Amidst the Obama painting controversy first thought to be one of the African National Congress (ANC) in 2008, radio carbon dating has now authenticated the painting to December 2016.

During his presidency, Mr. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize not only for promising to heal America, but also for suggesting that the US build the world’s biggest ladder to explore space, create a government online welfare package that funds itself and promoting the design of a non-racist gun for black gang members that doesn’t kill other blacks.

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When challenged to prove his assertion, 82 year old Mr. Sanders did so by putting his head in a bucket of water and breathing deeply to prove capitalism doesn’t work. Mr. Sanders was resuscitated by passers-by and doctors said he is recovering well and expect him to be discharged soon.

Satirical Squirrel

Kris P. Bacon

Posts : 5
Join date : 2024-04-08

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